Hi! I’m Maria. I’m a pilot wife and mom of 1 from Wisconsin that works in the medical field by day and shares my travel adventures with the world by night.
A passion for travel
Well here goes nothing. I’ve wanted to start a travel blog for as long as I can remember. Nothing gets me quite as excited as crafting the perfect itinerary. While in college I left the country for the first time and took 2 unforgettable trips that forever changed me as a person (Australia and Uganda, you hold a special place in my heart). Ever since then I’ve been seeking out the thrill of exploring new places and learning about other cultures. Throughout the years I’ve been fortunate to travel to some really incredible places in the world and have had some very unique experiences (like a week in an Indonesian hospital!). I’ve loved to share my adventures with people and help them plan their own, but I was always hesitant to do so publicly. I’m a terrible writer and the market seemed so over saturated. But the last several years we’ve faced some challenges that have at times left me with a sense of no control and that time is fleeting - infertility, recurrent miscarriages, a life changing spinal cord injury, and working the frontlines of a global pandemic. I really dislike the saying “everything happens for a reason” but I do believe that you can find purpose and choose to be happy. This amateur travel blog is me finding joy and choosing happiness. Will this blog go viral? Probably not! Will I ever be sponsored to travel the world? Doubt it! I have no idea what this page will become but regardless I’m happy to have my own little space to share what I love. Welcome to Jet. Set. Smith!